New Year's Eve 2012
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

In John, chapter three, Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Jesus by night to ask about the miracles, "For no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with Him."
Jesus' reply seemed out of context with his question.
Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Jesus' reply seemed out of context with his question.
Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
for thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High." Isaiah 14:12-14
This Lucifer that Isaiah speaks of is none other than Satan.
for thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High." Isaiah 14:12-14
This Lucifer that Isaiah speaks of is none other than Satan.
All of us were born of the flesh,
born into a spiritual state like Adam after he fell.
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
[For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed where there is no law.]"
Romans 5:12-13
born into a spiritual state like Adam after he fell.
"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
[For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed where there is no law.]"
Romans 5:12-13
All the generation from Adam to Christ knew about God.
God spoke to them.
He sent the Angel of the Lord to direct them.
He anointed them for special ministry and service.
But the still needed to be born again.
They all died in faith toward the coming of the Messiah,
who would redeem them from the spiritual death which they
had inherited from their father Adam.
If Adam wanted to eat, he was going to have to till the soil by the sweat of his brow.
To live in a physical body, full of fear, constantly needing to justify themselves by the reasoning of their intellect.
Out of that comes emotional sickness
Out of emotional sickness comes physical sickness.
Out of physical sickness come physical death.
This is real death.
To live in a physical body, full of fear, constantly needing to justify themselves by the reasoning of their intellect.
Out of that comes emotional sickness
Out of emotional sickness comes physical sickness.
Out of physical sickness come physical death.
Conscience is like a right tube
and a bucket called wrong.
Anything we do or experience that is right goes into the right tube,
passing through without disturbing the operation of the conscience.
Anything we do or experience that is wrong, in God's eyes, goes into the bucket
called wrong, filling it up and ends up running into our soul realm thinking, emotions and decisions.
and a bucket called wrong.
Anything we do or experience that is right goes into the right tube,
passing through without disturbing the operation of the conscience.
Anything we do or experience that is wrong, in God's eyes, goes into the bucket
called wrong, filling it up and ends up running into our soul realm thinking, emotions and decisions.
We must exercise our communion with God
in prayer, praise and worship
to clothe the bare bones of our intuitive knowledge of God
so that our knowledge of God
will become mobile and vital with the muscles of communion
so that our spiritual intellect will be vitalized with the
reality of spiritual emotions, love, joy and peace.
......Body Realm..............Soul Realm
Bone produces blood.....Intellect contributes to
...................................................the will.
Bones shapes flesh.........Intellect shapes the
Flesh moves bones.........Emotions strengthens
.................................................the intellect.
Flesh contains blood. ....Emotions influence
....................................................the will.
Blood feeds bone ...........Will feeds the intellect
and flesh. ........................ ...and the emotions.
Blood keeps the flesh .....The will keeps the
supple and mobile. ...........emotions sensitive
............................................and vitally active.
Bone produces blood.....Intellect contributes to
...................................................the will.
Bones shapes flesh.........Intellect shapes the
Flesh moves bones.........Emotions strengthens
.................................................the intellect.
Flesh contains blood. ....Emotions influence
....................................................the will.
Blood feeds bone ...........Will feeds the intellect
and flesh. ........................ ...and the emotions.
Blood keeps the flesh .....The will keeps the
supple and mobile. ...........emotions sensitive
............................................and vitally active.
The relationship between bone, flesh and blood.
....................Bone produces blood.
....................Bone shapes flesh.
....................Flesh moves bone.
....................Flesh contains blood.
....................Blood feeds bone and flesh.
....................Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile.
....................Bone produces blood.
....................Bone shapes flesh.
....................Flesh moves bone.
....................Flesh contains blood.
....................Blood feeds bone and flesh.
....................Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile.
When we become so aware of what the
..........Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
....................has provided for us
in the spirit-realm new birth,
in the soul-realm peace and understanding,
in the body-realm health and strength,
in the social-realm favor, and
in the financial-realm prosperity,
we become inspired to glorify God every minute of our lives.
..........Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
....................has provided for us
in the spirit-realm new birth,
in the soul-realm peace and understanding,
in the body-realm health and strength,
in the social-realm favor, and
in the financial-realm prosperity,
we become inspired to glorify God every minute of our lives.

Blog Archive
- New Year's Eve 2012
- You must be born again! If you have never...
- We are no longer condemned. We stand before God wh...
- When we were born again our conscience was cleanse...
- When we were born again, our communion with God wa...
- Our born again knowing God isn't anything to do wi...
- Before we were born again, we questioned the exist...
- Jesus came to bring us new birth, to hea...
- Having been born in the spirit state of death, we ...
- We came from our mother's womb, spiritually dead, ...
- The new creation is something unique that could o...
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Chr...
- The second illustration that Jesus used in the fir...
- When we are born again, we add flavor to the pe...
- The First Beatitude in Matthew 5:13; "Ye ar...
- If we can understand the word "blessed" we can und...
- In the Sermon on the Mount [Matthew 5] Jesus talks...
- Through this occasion with Nicodemus, Jesus was sa...
- Jesus gives one last attempt to explain to Nicodem...
- Jesus expected Nicodemus to understand what it i...
- Jesus seemed to get irritated with Nicodemus; He ...
- We would think that Jesus had told Nicodemus enoug...
- Jesus clearly told Nicodemus that there is a diffe...
- If we are going to be part of the kingdom of God, ...
- Jesus expects those of us who are born of the Spir...
- There are many born again Christians who are sitti...
- In Jesus' second reply to Nicodemus, was d...
- Jesus tried to explain to Nicodemus what He meant ...
- Nicodemus obviously couldn't understand what Jesus...
- In John, chapter three, Nicodemus, a ruler of the ...
- Man had proven that he, himself couldn't obey the ...
- God had to restore man's knowledge of Him and h...
- If we are going to take dominion over the flesh an...
- In our fallen state of being dead toward God in ou...
- We haven't been without excuse, because we ...
- We are sinners because we have a spirit that is cu...
- Satan was the first sinner, but ...
- In Luke 10:18 Jesus said, "I beheld Satan as ligh...
- "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son o...
- The term "original sin" should not be applied to A...
- As Adam was designed to have a living spirit in or...
- We being born in the same image as Adam after the ...
- Without a living spirit, Ad...
- As God created Adam and Eve before the Fall, they ...
- As free moral agents, people who are free to ch...
- Adam gained a functioning conscience. In the ...
- "God is Spirit: and they that worship Him must wor...
- Many think God [if there is one] would be a loving...
- The emptiness most unbelievers experience, is not ...
- Other unbelievers know there's an emptiness inside...
- Atheists claim they don't believe in God, ...
- Most of us had many questions about the existence ...
- Because we all were born after the likeness and im...
- All of us were born of the flesh, born into a spi...
- All the generation from Adam to Christ knew about...
- All generations through Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jaco...
- The sons of Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel and Seth ...
- Adam and Eve were cut off from God and so were al...
- Adam and Eve died the day they ate of the Tree of...
- If Adam wanted to eat, he was going to have to til...
- Adam and Eve after leaving the Garden of Eden; ...
- When God asked Adam and Eve, "Hast thou eaten of t...
- When Adam and Eve lost their spiritual relationshi...
- In Genesis 3:8 Adam and Eve hid themselves from th...
- Adam and Eve were naked before they ate of the Tre...
- After Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledg...
- The Bible says that the life of the flesh is in th...
- We might think it wasn't fair, but Adam and Eve ha...
- Adam and Eve didn't know that what they were about...
- God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat of the Tree of...
- The knowledge of good and evil, isn't abou...
- When Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good...
- Adam didn't die physically that day. Th...
- God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden to preven...
- Adam and Eve contined to live physically since Go...
- When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they died; ...
- Adam chose to yield to the temptation. ...
- Adam had only one negative instruction from God. ...
- Adam did not have physical eternal life. ...
- In this real, touchable form and likeness of God, ...
- Adam, in the image of God, had an active...
- In man's intuitive knowledge in the spirit and his...
- Adam and Eve didn't have the knowledge of good and...
- Man was created after the likeness and image of Go...
- If man had been made robots without free will, tem...
- Man's freedom of choice was a freedom to ...
- With the freedom of choice, man was also given th...
- God created man with a freedom of choice. God too...
- If man had no freedom of choice, he could no...
- Agape, the God kind of love, can only come fr...
- In the state of being in the image and likeness of...
- God made man in his likeness [tangible] and imag...
- Adam's body was bone, flesh and blood. His soul f...
- Spirit Realm Intuitive knowledge feeds conscience...
- Soul Realm Intellect feeds will Intellect shapes...
- Body Realm Bone produces ...
- A clean conscience is to the spirit as right dec...
- 1 John 1:9 is a great encouragement. . . . "If we ...
- A free operating conscience is as important to the...
- It's only by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Chri...
- Conscience is of the spirit realm. Fe...
- There is no way to cleanse the wrong bucket from s...
- Conscience is like a right tube and a bucket call...
- We follow our senses and ignore our conscience. B...
- Adam in his fallen state, and all who were b...
- Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and ...
- The life of the spirit is in the conscience .........
- The life of the flesh is in the blood.The life of ...
- Conscience is to the spiritas the will is to the s...
- We must exercise our communion with Godin prayer, ...
- Communion with God is to the spiritas emotions are...
- Without the knowledge of God which comes only by b...
- This intuitive knowledge of God initially comes to...
- Intuitive knowledge of God is to the spirit;just a...
- Before we are born of the Spirit, ...........we ha...
- The intuitive knowledge of God is more ,it's a fun...
- The intuition displayed in the spirit realm, isn't...
- Body.............Soul..........;...SpiritBone........
- Most theological arguments stem from differences i...
- ......Body Realm..............Soul RealmBone produ...
- We are free moral agents.It is necessary for us to...
- As the blood feeds and removes waste from bone and...
- As the blood is to the body, ....bringing life to ...
- As flesh is to the body, moveme...
- There are some parallels between the body and soul...
- The emotions and intellect affect the will.
- The will is our ability to make decisions, it draw...
- Defining the intellect of the mind ....from the Wo...
- Now that we are born again, we should be letting t...
- Our emotions have ruled all of our lives before we...
- We can't be lead around by our emotions, butthe po...
- Without feelings, we can't find life; in the emoti...
- The negative definitions of the emotions arehatred...
- The positive definitions of the emotions (feelers)...
- The three functions of the soul realm are:emotions...
- The relationship between bone, flesh and blood.......
- The blood brings life to the flesh.It delivers oxy...
- Without flesh, the blood would have not container....
- God in His wisdom, designed us to have our bones ....
- The Bible speaks of God having bodily parts: a hea...
- Bones give the body strength, form and structure.
- All three elements perform a vital function.
- The body is made up of three basic elements:.........
- By subdividing the elements of the body-realm,the ...
- 1 Thessoloninas 5:23
- When the soul is in agreement with the Word of God...
- Since the Word of God can divide soul and spirit, ...
- The terms spirit, soul and body are used all throu...
- Genesis 2:71 Thessalonians 5:23Hebrews 4:12are the...
- Since spirit and soul of man can only be divided b...
- God breathed of Himself [John 4:24; God is Spirit...
- "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sha...
- "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;and...
- "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the gr...
- God made man in His tangible likeness by forming A...
- Man is created in the tangible likeness of God's s...
- God made man in His own image, after His likeness....
- "And God said, Let us make man in our image,after ...
- If men had simply turned to the Word of God,they w...
- Great philosophers and psychologists have written ...
- Having been born again of the Spirit, we have a ch...
- We are empowered to be like Jesus; not because the...
- The Spirit of the living God energizes us to live ...
- When we become so aware of what the ..........Cros...
- This love that caused God to give His only begotte...
- We can place ourselves in the hands of a loving fa...
- Now we are beginning to see what is ours in Christ...
- Others are beginning to understand through diligen...
- We learn how to walk after the Spirit to experienc...
- Even the soul realm must be saved by grace ..........
- Salvation goes beyond the spirit realm.......It in...
- When we continually entertain soul-realm unbelief,...
- There is a difference between born again and saved...
- Much emphasis in placed on obedience by turning ba...
- Although many who are born-again believers,..........
- Those who believe in being born-again understand ....
- Many other people understand that we must be born-...
- The new birth has to be more than a decision to ch...
- In ourselves we can not decide to love like Jesus ...
- It is not that the church members n...
- The world does not know that we are His disciples....
- The body of Christ, the church,has fallen short of...
- The cross becomes only an emotional appeal ..........
- Many people only understand that the life of Jesus...
- Most differences that come between Christians are....
- Covered by the blood
- Jesus shed His blood for us!
- It is acknowledging what Jesus has done on the ins...
- Even New Covenant Christians think more lowly .......
- The Law points our attention to......................
- The Bible says the purpose of the Law ...
- We need to cleanse ourselves from thoughts that ha...
- Most of the time we rebuke the condemnation from t...
- Most believers agree that Satan is the author of c...
- Conviction draws us to God and leads us in His way...
- The Holy Spirit is inside of us and will let us kn...
- Condemnation is not to be confusedwith conviction ...
- The Law makes us fell condemns us...
- The Law points to our sin,.......................b...
- The Old Testament Law actually drew uncontrolled l...
- Once we were confronted with the Law and saw God's...
- There was a period of time when sin was "dead".The...
- There are some truths to correct the Old Testament...
- 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 says that the Old Testament ....