Most believers agree that Satan is the author of condemnation,
but one of the biggest things he uses to condemn us with is the
................................Old Testament Law.
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Blog Archive
- Covered by the blood
- Jesus shed His blood for us!
- It is acknowledging what Jesus has done on the ins...
- Even New Covenant Christians think more lowly .......
- The Law points our attention to......................
- The Bible says the purpose of the Law ...
- We need to cleanse ourselves from thoughts that ha...
- Most of the time we rebuke the condemnation from t...
- Most believers agree that Satan is the author of c...
- Conviction draws us to God and leads us in His way...
- The Holy Spirit is inside of us and will let us kn...
- Condemnation is not to be confusedwith conviction ...
- The Law makes us fell condemns us...
- The Law points to our sin,.......................b...
- The Old Testament Law actually drew uncontrolled l...
- Once we were confronted with the Law and saw God's...
- There was a period of time when sin was "dead".The...
- There are some truths to correct the Old Testament...
- 2 Corinthians 3:7-11 says that the Old Testament ....