Although many who are born-again believers, as though there is little assurance of
...........................cleansing from their present sin.
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Blog Archive
- God made man in His tangible likeness by forming A...
- Man is created in the tangible likeness of God's s...
- God made man in His own image, after His likeness....
- "And God said, Let us make man in our image,after ...
- If men had simply turned to the Word of God,they w...
- Great philosophers and psychologists have written ...
- Having been born again of the Spirit, we have a ch...
- We are empowered to be like Jesus; not because the...
- The Spirit of the living God energizes us to live ...
- When we become so aware of what the ..........Cros...
- This love that caused God to give His only begotte...
- We can place ourselves in the hands of a loving fa...
- Now we are beginning to see what is ours in Christ...
- Others are beginning to understand through diligen...
- We learn how to walk after the Spirit to experienc...
- Even the soul realm must be saved by grace ..........
- Salvation goes beyond the spirit realm.......It in...
- When we continually entertain soul-realm unbelief,...
- There is a difference between born again and saved...
- Much emphasis in placed on obedience by turning ba...
- Although many who are born-again believers,..........
- Those who believe in being born-again understand ....
- Many other people understand that we must be born-...
- The new birth has to be more than a decision to ch...
- In ourselves we can not decide to love like Jesus ...
- It is not that the church members n...
- The world does not know that we are His disciples....
- The body of Christ, the church,has fallen short of...
- The cross becomes only an emotional appeal ..........
- Many people only understand that the life of Jesus...
- Most differences that come between Christians are....