Not under condemnation
"Now there is no condemation to
those who are in Christ Jesus"
We are to be as He is before God,
and equally be as He is before men.
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Blog Archive
- To know Him and the Power of His Resurrection"He d...
- One in His resurrectionOne with Christ in His dyin...
- Quickened together with Jesus Christ"God, who is r...
- Risen with Christ"If ye then be risen with Christ,...
- Jesus in manger
- Free from Sin"For he that is dead is freed from si...
- Baptized into one BodySpiritual union is independe...
- Crucified with Christ Jesus" I am crucified with C...
- The Bride of Christ, His Church"Here at length I b...
- Bonded intimately with Jesus ChristIt must be a tr...
- Called unto His Fellowship"Who shall also confirm ...
- Walking as He walked"I in Christ" Yet if we know i...
- Created unto good works"We are created in Christ J...
- Not under condemnation"Now there is no condemation...
- Partakers of His holinessOur relation to Jesus Chr...
- To live like Christ"For to me to live is Christ."T...
- Trees Planted by Rivers"he shall be like a tree pl...
- Christlike"Without me [apart from me, inseparation...
- Branches of the Vine"I am the vine, ye are the bra...
- The Body of Christ."As the body is one, and hath m...
- Sons of GodJesus Christ became the "Son of man,"so...
- Filled with His FullnessIn Jesus Christ the need o...
- Living, Moving and Being in HimIn God there is a m...
- One with GodThe union of the believer with the Lor...