"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

God had to restore man's
knowledge of Him and his communion with Him,
so that he might walk after a living spirit.
If we are going to take dominion over the flesh and Satan,
                we need to be restored to God,
                                      spirit to spirit.
In our fallen state of being dead toward God in our spirit,
     we needed help if we were going to live our life as God
           wanted Adam and us to live.
We haven't been without excuse,
      because we didn't listen to our conscience,
           the blame for our judgment by God can no longer                 be transferred to Adam.
We are sinners because we have a spirit that is cut off from God.

Like Adam, we have no intuitive knowledge of God;
                       we have no spirit to spirit communion with God.
Satan was the first sinner,
                 but because of Adam's sin,
                                    we are born in sin.
In Luke 10:18 Jesus said,
"I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven."

      Satan wanted God's power.
      He was thrown out of Heaven by God.
      Lucifer/Satan was the first sinner.
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
      for thou hast said in thine heart,
           I will ascend into heaven,
             I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
               I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the    sides of the north:
                 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
                   I will be like the most High."  Isaiah 14:12-14

This Lucifer that Isaiah speaks of is none other than Satan.
The term "original sin" should not be applied to Adam.

       There was one who sinned before him named Lucifer [Satan].
                  Isaiah 14:12-14
As Adam was designed to have a living spirit in order to function  righteously, we also were designed to function righteously with a living spirit .

When he lost his knowledge of God and his communion with God, so did we being members of his family.
We being born in the same image as Adam after the fall, became slaves to the flesh.

                              Romans 7:5
" For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sins, which were by the law, worked in our members to bring forth fruit unto death."
                      Without a living spirit,
Adam couldn't tell his flesh to sit down and be quiet,
                      so he became a slave to his flesh.
As God created Adam and Eve before the Fall, they were to be led of the spirit.

                     The real Adam was the spirit man.

His soul was alive and was to be Lord over the flesh.
His flesh was simply to be a container; but when he fell, his flesh became a constant dictator.
As free moral agents,
  people who are free to choose between good and evil,
     we didn't always choose good even though our conscience tried to warn us.
Adam gained a functioning conscience.
In the fall it became programmed
with knowledge of good and evil.
Even before we were born again,
we had a conscience that knew good and evil.
"God is Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."

                 After Adam fell, he lost his capacity to spiritually commune with God the Father and we had no spirit to worship Him until we became born-again.
Many think God [if there is one] would be a loving God who wouldn't deny anyone from going to heaven; that all shouldn't be blamed or excluded from Heaven.
The emptiness most unbelievers experience, is not apparent.

            Some label it as humanism, a belief that man and his government is his own god.

                     They give some pretence to religion, but make sure it includes everybody's favorites so that no one is offended.
Other unbelievers know there's an emptiness inside themselves,
          but do not understand what it is or how to satisfy it.

They turn to the stars for guidance, to fortune tellers or
         even to witchcraft.
Atheists claim they don't believe in God,
              but they us His Name in vain.

They blame Him for disasters in their insurance contracts,
    referring to acts of God when in fact it's the devil
        that kills, steals and destroys through his use of nature.
Most of us had many questions about the existence of God,
since we couldn't see, feel or hear Him.

We were guided only by our senses, our reasoning power.
Because we all were born after the likeness and image of Adam,
we had no knowledge of God, spirit-realm intuitive knowledge.

Because Adam lost it, we didn't have it.
All of us were born of the flesh,
born into a spiritual state like Adam after he fell.

"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
[For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed where there is no law.]"
Romans 5:12-13
All the generation from Adam to Christ knew about God.
God spoke to them.
He sent the Angel of the Lord to direct them.
He anointed them for special ministry and service.
But the still needed to be born again.
They all died in faith toward the coming of the Messiah,
who would redeem them from the spiritual death which they
had inherited from their father Adam.

All generations through Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were spiritually dead toward God.

Even Moses, Joshus, David, Solomon and John the Baptist had no spiritual knowledge of God or spirit to spirit communion with Him.
They all were spiritually dead.
The sons of Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel and Seth
       had no spiritual knowledge of God,
       had not communion with God spirit to spirit.
Adam and Eve were cut off from God
and so were all the generations born after them;
        they were born of the flesh,
        born separated from God.
Adam and Eve died the day they ate
of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

          They died spiritually.
          They lost their knowledge of God.
          They lost their fellowship with God.

      The gained a knowledge of good and evil.

Physical death came as a result of their separation from God.
If Adam wanted to eat, he was going to have to till the soil by the sweat of his brow.

This is real death.

To live in a physical body, full of fear, constantly needing to justify themselves by the reasoning of their intellect.

Out of that comes emotional sickness
Out of emotional sickness comes physical sickness.
Out of physical sickness come physical death.
Adam and Eve after leaving the Garden of Eden;
           could no longer enjoy the fruit of the garden.
           could no longer enjoy the freedom of the garden.

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