He will strengthen you by His glorious might with all
the power you need to patiently endure everything with joy.
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Blog Archive
- He will strengthen you by His glorious might with ...
- You will want to please Him in every way as you gr...
- You will live the kind of lives that prove you be...
- This so that you will live the kind of lives that...
- God fills you with the knowledge of His will throu...
- This Good News is present with you now. At that t...
- Some time ago you heard about the hope in the Goo...
- You have faith and love because of the hope which...
- Thank God because He has heard about your faith i...
- Always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Ch...
- Good will and peace from God the Father are yours!
- You are God’s holy and faithful people, brothers ...
- But your God shall supply all your needs accordin...
- You can do everything through Christ who strengthe...
- No matter what the situation, learn the secret of ...
- You know how to live in poverty or prosperity.
- You’ve learned to be content in whatever situatio...
- Then the God who gives this peace will be with you.
- Practice what you have learned and received.
- Keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserve...
- God’s peace, which goes beyond anything you can im...
- In every situation let God know what you need in ...
- Never worry about anything.
- Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: B...
- Through His power bringing everything under His au...
- You are citizens of heaven. Look forward to the L...
- Don’t look back, lengthen your stride, and run st...
- You are to run to win that which Jesus Christ has...
- Faith knows the power that his coming back to life...
- This approval comes from God and is based on your ...
- You didn’t receive God’s approval by obeying His l...
- It’s because of Him that you think of everything a...
- It’s far more than that! You consider everything e...
- The things that you once considered valuable, you...
- You are the true people of God because you serve G...
- Now then, brothers and sisters, be joyful in the L...
- You will shine like stars among them in the world ...
- Do everything without complaining or arguing. The...
- Continue to work out your salvation with fear and ...
- Instead, Jesus emptied himself by taking on the fo...
- Although Jesus was in the form of God and equal wi...
- Don’t be concerned only about your own interests, ...
- Don’t act out of selfish ambition or be conceited....
- So then, as Christians, do you have any encouragem...
- God has given you the privilege not only to belie...
- Don’t let your opponents intimidate you in any way...
- Live as citizens who reflect the Good News about C...
- You are to speak very boldly and honor Christ in y...
- Some of you tell the message about Christ because ...
- The Lord has given most of our brothers and sister...
- Jesus Christ will fill your lives with everything ...
- That way you will be able to determine what is bes...
- Pray that your love will keep on growing because ...
- God, who began this good work in you, will carry ...
- Also pray that God will give you the right words t...
- Use every kind of prayer and make every kind of r...
- Use every kind of prayer and request there is.
- Pray in the Spirit in every situation.
- Also take salvation as your helmet and God’s word...
- Take the Christian faith as your shield. With it y...
- Put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread ...
- So then, take your stand! Fasten truth around your...
- For this reason, take up all the armor that God su...
- This is not a wrestling match against a human oppo...
- Put on all the armor that God supplies. In this w...
- Receive your power from the Lord and from His migh...
- Honor your father and mother that everything may g...
- Place yourselves under each other’s authority out ...
- Always thank God the Father for everything in the...
- Recite psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs for your...
- Don’t get drunk on wine, which leads to wild livin...
- Don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord wan...
- Make the most of your opportunities because these ...
- So then, be very careful how you live. Don’t live...
- Light exposes the true character of everything be...
- It is shameful to talk about what some people do i...
- Have nothing to do with the useless works that dar...
- Determine which things please the Lord.
- Light produces everything that is good, that has ...
- Once you lived in the dark, but now the Lord has ...
- Don’t let anyone deceive you with meaningless word...
- You know very well that no person who is involved...
- It’s not right that dirty stories, foolish talk, o...
- Don’t let sexual sin, perversion of any kind, or ...
- Live in love as Christ also loves you. He gave his...
- Imitate God, since you are the children He loves.
- Get rid of your bitterness, hot tempers, anger, l...
- Don’t give God’s Holy Spirit any reason to be upse...
- Don’t say anything that would hurt another person....
- Be angry without sinning. Don’t go to bed angry. ...
- So then, get rid of lies. Speak the truth to each ...
- You were taught to have a new attitude and you wer...
- You were taught to change the way you were living....
- But that is not what you learned from Christ’s tea...
- Since they no longer have any sense of shame, they...
- They can’t understand because they are in the dark...
- In the Lord’s name you are not to live any longer ...
- As each and every part does its job, He makes the ...
- God makes the whole body fit together and unites i...
- As you lovingly speak the truth, you will grow up ...
- You will no longer be influenced by people who use...
- You will no longer be little children, tossed and ...
- This is to continue until all of you are united in...
- He also gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, as ...
- God’s favor has been given to each of you. It was...
- There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God...
- There is one body and one Spirit. In the same way...
- Through the peace that ties you together, do your...
- Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient wit...
- By His power He can do infinitely more than you c...
- Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in you.
- You will know Christ’s love, which goes far beyond...
- With all of God’s people you will be able to under...
- Love is to be the ground into which you sink your ...
- Christ will live in you through faith.
- He [God] will give you inner strength and power th...
- You can go to God with bold confidence through fai...
- This was God’s plan for all of history which He c...
- You became a servant of this Good News through Go...
- The [nonJews/Gentiles] belong to the same body an...
- This mystery is the Good News that you who are not...
- You have heard that God let Paul know this myster...
- Certainly, you have heard how God gave Paul the r...
- This is the reason why Paul was the prisoner of C...
- Through Him you, also, are being built in the Spir...
- In Him all the parts of the building fit together ...
- You are built on the foundation of the apostles an...
- That is why you are no longer foreigners and outsi...
- So, you, Jewish and non-Jewish people can go to th...
- God came with the Good News of peace for you who...
- In His body He has made Jewish and non-Jewish peop...
- But now through Christ Jesus you, who were once fa...
- Remember that once you were not Jewish physically....
- God has made you what you are. He has created you ...
- God saved you through faith, You had nothing to do...
- God has brought you back to life together with Chr...
- You were dead because of your failures, but God m...
- God is rich in mercy because of His great love for...
- You will also know the unlimited greatness of His ...
- You will know the confidence that He calls you to ...
- The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that you will rec...
- In Him you were sealed with the Holy Spirit Whom H...
- God planned all of this so that you who had alread...
- God decided ahead of time to choose you through C...
- God poured out His kindness by giving you every ki...
- God forgives your failures because of His overflo...
- Through the blood of His Son, you are set free fr...
- Because of His love He had already decided to adop...
- He chose you through Christ to be holy and perfect...
- God has blessed you with every spiritual blessing ...
- Certainly, sin shouldn’t have power over you becau...
- Offer all the parts of your body to God. Use them...
- No part of your body should ever be used to do any...
- So consider yourselves dead to sin’s power but liv...
- We know that Christ, who was brought back to life...
- If we have died with Christ, we believe that we wi...
- We know that the person we used to be was crucifie...
- If you’ve become united with Jesus in a death like...
- Therefore you are buried with Him by baptism into ...
- In Him you are more than conquerors, in all thing...
- Certainly, you live, move, and exist because of Him.
- Both God and the devil are spirits. Christians mus...
- The Christian must get their spirit in line with G...
- A Christian must first recognize the consciousness...
- This is say then, Walk in the Spirit and you shall...
- When our spirit, soul and body is in unity with th...
- Our world is out of kilter; the outward man is not...
- The human [body, soul and spirit] is any person [s...
- The Believer's spirit keeps a sense of worship con...
- The human spirit will be the lord over the soul an...
- The human spirit doesn't rest or sleep, it doesn't...
- When the human body is sleeping, it regains energy...
- As humans we spend most of our hours doing physica...
- As believers we can and must live a total life, sp...
- And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and...
- The Spirit of God that is in us must control our ...