As flesh is to the body, movement and form to the bones,
so the emotions are to the soul, activity to the thinking.
"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

The relationship between bone, flesh and blood.
....................Bone produces blood.
....................Bone shapes flesh.
....................Flesh moves bone.
....................Flesh contains blood.
....................Blood feeds bone and flesh.
....................Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile.
....................Bone produces blood.
....................Bone shapes flesh.
....................Flesh moves bone.
....................Flesh contains blood.
....................Blood feeds bone and flesh.
....................Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile.

Blog Archive
- As flesh is to the body, moveme...
- There are some parallels between the body and soul...
- The emotions and intellect affect the will.
- The will is our ability to make decisions, it draw...
- Defining the intellect of the mind ....from the Wo...
- Now that we are born again, we should be letting t...
- Our emotions have ruled all of our lives before we...
- We can't be lead around by our emotions, butthe po...
- Without feelings, we can't find life; in the emoti...
- The negative definitions of the emotions arehatred...
- The positive definitions of the emotions (feelers)...
- The three functions of the soul realm are:emotions...
- The relationship between bone, flesh and blood.......
- The blood brings life to the flesh.It delivers oxy...
- Without flesh, the blood would have not container....
- God in His wisdom, designed us to have our bones ....
- The Bible speaks of God having bodily parts: a hea...
- Bones give the body strength, form and structure.
- All three elements perform a vital function.
- The body is made up of three basic elements:.........
- By subdividing the elements of the body-realm,the ...
- 1 Thessoloninas 5:23
- When the soul is in agreement with the Word of God...
- Since the Word of God can divide soul and spirit, ...
- The terms spirit, soul and body are used all throu...
- Genesis 2:71 Thessalonians 5:23Hebrews 4:12are the...
- Since spirit and soul of man can only be divided b...
- God breathed of Himself [John 4:24; God is Spirit...
- "For the word of God is quick and powerful and sha...
- "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;and...
- "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the gr...