"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6
If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

But giving the Law wasn't God's desire.
If He had always wanted to limit sin through the Law,
................if that was His plan and nature,
why didn't he give it to Adam and Eve in the Garden
................right after they sinned?
..........He talked to them face to face.
Why did He wait 2,500 years before giving the Law to Moses?
If He had always wanted to limit sin through the Law,
................if that was His plan and nature,
why didn't he give it to Adam and Eve in the Garden
................right after they sinned?
..........He talked to them face to face.
Why did He wait 2,500 years before giving the Law to Moses?

Blog Archive
- My God is bigger. . . .
- Romans 8:21
- The New Covenant [Testament] wassealed by the shed...
- The Old Testament couldn't make anything perfect,....
- If the first covenant, the Old Testament, ...........
- The Old Covenant wasn't a good representation of G...
- People who really understand the goodness of God.....
- Sin multiplied so greatly before the Flood...........
- God didn't approve of sin, but He didn't want peop...
- God had shown great control dealing with sin.........
- Even though the Flood was a judgment of God,it was...
- Jesus had to be born of people who knew Godand all...
- Jesus was God's agent for redemption ....and He ha...
- If God hadn't done something,nobody loyal to Him w...
- God sent the Flood as an expression of His wrath,....
- To preserve those who were righteous,.......and pr...
- Man began to see God's lack of punishment as appro...
- When Cain killed his brother Able,God extended lov...
- Happy Mother's Day 2012
- By showing Adam and Eve and their descendants .......
- If Adam and Eve and their descendants had understo...
- Adam and Eve's descendantswould have started avoid...
- Instead of pouring out all of His wrath upon Adam ...
- God didn't give Adam and Eve the Law because He di...
- It is the goodness of God that leads us to repenta...
- But giving the Law wasn't God's desire.If He had a...
- By emphatically stating .....what was right and wh...
- After the Flood, God did something to limit the sp...
- National Day of Prayer 2012
- We are now beginning to see the manifestation of s...
- In Matthew 24:37, ....Jesus says that mankind will...