"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

 You’ve learned to be content in whatever situation you're in. 
Then the God who gives this peace will be with you.
Practice what you have learned and received.
Keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: 
things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable.
God’s peace, which goes beyond anything you can imagine, 
will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.
In every situation let God know what you need 
in prayers and requests while giving thanks.
Always be joyful in the Lord! I’ll say it again: Be joyful!
Through His power bringing everything under His authority, 
Jesus will change your earthly bodies and make them like His glorified body.
You are citizens of heaven. Look forward to the 
Lord Jesus Christ coming from heaven as your Savior.
Don’t look back, lengthen your stride, and run 
straight toward the goal to win the prize that God’s 
heavenly call offers in Christ Jesus.
You are to run to win that which Jesus Christ 
has already won for you.
Faith knows the power that his coming back to life 
gives and what it means to share his suffering. 
This approval comes from God and is based on your faith that knows Christ. 
You didn’t receive God’s approval by obeying His laws. 
The opposite is true! You have God’s approval through faith in Christ.
It’s because of Him that you think of everything as worthless. 
You threw it all away in order to gain Christ and to have a relationship with Him. 
It’s far more than that! You consider everything else worthless 
because you are much better off knowing Christ Jesus your Lord.
The things that you once considered valuable, 
you now consider worthless for Christ. 
You are the true people of God because you serve God’s 
Spirit and take pride in Christ Jesus. You don’t place any 
confidence in physical things.
Now then, brothers and sisters, be joyful in the Lord!
You will shine like stars among them in the world 
as you hold firmly to the word of life.
Do everything without complaining or arguing. 
Then you will be blameless and innocent.
Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. It is God who produces in you the desires and actions that please Him.
Instead, Jesus emptied himself by taking on the form of a servant, by becoming like other humans, and by having a human appearance.
Although Jesus was in the form of God and equal with God,
He did not take advantage of this equality.

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