"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Masters don't request slaves to work;
              they make them work.
Faith doesn't just show up and go to work for us.
Faith must be told what to do, it is our slave.
Jesus told the people that the faith they had was enough to uproot a tree and throw it into the sea.
       They weren't using the faith they had.
John the Baptist was completely yielded to the Holy Spirit.
        supernatural things happen when a person dares to go
                against the crowd and follow Him.
In a short time, John the Baptist,
    moved an entire nation to anticipate Jesus' return.
John didn't take the normal approach and go where the people were, He was out in the wilderness and the people came to him.
Some say that in six months
       John the Baptist turned an
             entire nation to God.
John the Baptist's ministry lasted about six months
before He baptized Jesus and
men started following Him.
John the Baptist spent thirty years in the deserts preparing for his ministry.
Jesus knew His purpose even in His childhood, but He still had to study and prepare Himself for the work God had called Him to.
Even though Jesus was God,
        He lived in a physical body
              with a natural mind that
                     needed to be educated.
Jesus asked the scholars questions.

This was amazing when we realize that  in Him [Jesus] was all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, Colossians 2:3.
At the age of twelve, Jesus had an understanding of who His real Father was and why He had come into the world.
Jesus didn't have access to a copy of the Bible.

        He got revelation knowledge from His Father, but He had to visit the synagogue to read the scrolls of God's Word.
Luke 2:46 is the only scriptural record of Jesus' childhood.

                 At twelve years old, His wisdom astounded the men who had spent their lifetimes studying the Scriptures.

"And it came to pass, that after three days
they found him in the temple, sitting in the
midst of the doctors, both hearing them and
asking them questions."
Luke 2:46

This must be the generation that will bring Jesus back.
        It seems that Satan, in his desperation is trying to put off his doom by destroying this generation.
Satan is trying to kill people before they can be born [abortion]
or after through violence [murder] and suicide.
The Seed has already come
       and is multiplying Himself in
              every born-again believer.
Satan was seeking to eliminate the 'seed' that
God said would be the one who was going to
bruise his head and strip him
of all power and authority.
After Jesus was born,
  Satan motivated Herod to kill
      all the male children in Bethlehem.
When Moses was born,
    Satan moved Pharaoh to kill
        all the male children of the Israelite slaves.
It appears Satan is able to perceive
   when God is making a major move in the earth.
Ever since God first prophesied that a "seed" of a woman would bruise Satan's head, he had been seeking to find and destroy this "seed", Genesis 3:15.  The "seed," of course, was Jesus our Lord.

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