"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Spirit Realm

Intuitive knowledge feeds conscience

Intuitive knowledge shapes communion

Communion vitalizes intuitive knowledge

Communion influences conscience

Conscience guides intuitive knowledge and communion

Conscience keeps communion alive and real
Soul Realm

Intellect feeds will

Intellect shapes emotions

Emotions vitaliize intellect

Emotions influence will

Will feeds intellect and emotions

Will keeps emotions sensitive and vital
Body Realm                      
Bone produces blood   
Bone shapes flesh         
Flesh moves bone        

Flesh contains blood

Blood feeds bone and flesh

Blood keeps flesh supple and mobile
A clean conscience is to the spirit
as right decision making is to the soul,
even as clean blood is to the body.
1 John 1:9 is a great encouragement. . . .
"If we confess our sins [moral transgressions that produce spiritual sparation or conscience defilement], he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [cleanse our conscience]."
A free operating conscience is as important to the spirit,
as a free operating will is to the soul; these compare to
free flowing blood that feeds and cleanses the body.
It's only by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ that God
will cleanse our conscience from sin to live for Him.
Conscience is of the spirit realm.

            Few would disagree,
            they often treat it as though it were a soul realm function.

            Keep in mind that there is little difference between the spirit and the soul.
There is no way to cleanse the wrong bucket from sin
         [definement and searing] before we are born again.

         This can only be done by faith in the shed blood of Jesus
Christ. It's only by faith that our conscience can be cleased from dead works.
Conscience is like a right tube
and a bucket called wrong.

Anything we do or experience that is right goes into the right tube,
passing through without disturbing the operation of the conscience.
Anything we do or experience that is wrong, in God's eyes, goes into the bucket
called wrong, filling it up and ends up running into our soul realm thinking, emotions and decisions.

We follow our senses and ignore our conscience.

By doing so, we defile 1 Corinthians 8:7
and sear 1 Timothy 4:2 our conscience
making them inoperable.
Adam in his fallen state,
and all who were born after him, 
are born with a functioning conscience.

It would lead us to Jesus if we would follow it,
but most do not.
Adam ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,
receiving knowledge of good and evil.
So, he lost his intuitive knowledge of God
and his spirit-to-spirit communion with God.
The life of the spirit is in the conscience
.......and not the mind.
It is the knowledge of good and evil that Adam
.......took part of and fell away from God.
The life of the flesh is in the blood.
The life of the soul is in the will or decision making process.
The life of the spirit is in the conscience.
Conscience is to the spirit
as the will is to the soul,
even as the blood is to the body.
We must exercise our communion with God
in prayer, praise and worship
to clothe the bare bones of our intuitive knowledge of God
so that our knowledge of God
will become mobile and vital with the muscles of communion
so that our spiritual intellect will be vitalized with the
reality of spiritual emotions, love, joy and peace.

Communion with God is to the spirit
as emotions are to the soul,
even as flesh is to the body.
Without the knowledge of God
which comes only by being born again,
our spirit is like that double minded man
receiving no good thing from God.
This intuitive knowledge of God initially comes to us by the Holy Spirit; but after receiving it, we feed it by the Word of God.
Intuitive knowledge of God is to the spirit;
just as the intellect is to the soul;
even as bone is to the body.

This knowledge of God is the backbone of our spirit,
giving it strength and authority, form and definition.
Before we are born of the Spirit,
...........we have no knowledge of God.

Once we are born again of the Spirit of God,
..........somehow we know, that we know, that we know,
..........................that God IS.
The intuitive knowledge of God is more ,
it's a function of the spirit realm,
it's not head knowledge of God that comes from philosophy,
it's not knowledge of Bible verses;
it IS the knowledge of God that comes to us when our spirit is alive towards God.

The intuition displayed in the spirit realm, isn't women's intuition.

Woman's intuition is a function of the soul realm, it comes out of emotional sensitivity.

Most theological arguments
stem from differences
in the understanding
of soul and the spirit.
......Body Realm..............Soul Realm
Bone produces blood.....Intellect contributes to
...................................................the will.
Bones shapes flesh.........Intellect shapes the
Flesh moves bones.........Emotions strengthens
.................................................the intellect.
Flesh contains blood. ....Emotions influence
....................................................the will.
Blood feeds bone ...........Will feeds the intellect
and flesh. ........................ ...and the emotions.

Blood keeps the flesh .....The will keeps the
supple and mobile. ...........emotions sensitive
............................................and vitally active.
We are free moral agents.
It is necessary for us to operate in love,
because the God-kind-of-love
can only come forth from our free will.
As the blood feeds and removes waste from bone and flesh,
our decisions feed our intellect and emotions.
As the blood is to the body,
....bringing life to the flesh and bone,
....keeping the flesh supple and the bones fed;
so is our will to our soul.

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