"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

Covered by the blood

Jesus shed His blood for us!

It is acknowledging what Jesus has done on the inside of us
..........and what He has done for us that makes us effective.

.............................It's the New Testament way.
Even New Covenant Christians think more lowly
............................of themselves than they ought.

It makes them totally
................and self-dominated.
The Law points our attention to
.....................our sin,
..........and our unworthiness.
The Bible says the purpose of the Law
.........is to give us the knowledge of sin,
................not knowledge of Jesus, God, or forgiveness.
We need to cleanse ourselves from thoughts that have
.......................Old Testament scriptures attached to them.
Most of the time we rebuke the condemnation from the devil, but sometimes condemation comes from thoughts we get from religion.
Most believers agree that Satan is the author of condemnation,
but one of the biggest things he uses to condemn us with is the
................................Old Testament Law.
Conviction draws us to God and leads us in His ways.

But condemnation drives us away from God
.....and makes us feel helpless to do anything but sin.
The Holy Spirit is inside of us and will let us know
if what we are thinking of doing or have done is sin
or not God's will for our life.
Condemnation is not to be confused
with conviction of the Holy Spirit.
The Law makes us fell guilty.
.......it condemns us, according to
..........2 Corinthians 3:9 and Romans 3:19
The Law points to our sin,
.......................brings it to life,
.......................................and condemns us for it.
The Old Testament Law actually drew uncontrolled lusts and desires out of us.

We heard the commandment
....."thou shalt not covet" Exodus 20:17
..........and we saw ourselves as covetous.
Once we were confronted with the Law and saw God's
perfect, holy standard, we realized how sinful we were.
There was a period of time when sin was "dead".

Then came the knowledge of right and wrong
..............................and the Law was understood.
There are some truths to correct the Old Testament Law
with New Testament grace, love and forgiveness.
2 Corinthians 3:7-11 says that the Old Testament

...................................administers death and condemnation.

1 Corinthians 15:55-56 says that the Old Testament

...................................................Law gave strength to sin.

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