"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

The New Covenant [Testament] was
sealed by the shed blood of Jesus.

The New Covenant brought greater
glory to God than the Old Covenant.
The Old Testament couldn't make anything perfect,
.................so God had to bring in something better.
If the first covenant, the Old Testament,
...............had been without fault,
.....then there would have been no reason
for the second covenant, the New Testament.
........................................Hebrews 8:6,7
The Old Covenant wasn't a good representation of God,
it was inferior to the New Covenant.

The New Covenant is a more excellent and a better Covenant
which is established upon better promises.
People who really understand the goodness of God
..........will run straight to Him when they mess up.

But those living ungodly lives usually run from Him.
Sin multiplied so greatly before the Flood
..........that after the Flood,
......................God gave Moses the Law.

This wasn't God's first choice,
.................only the choice man gave Him.
God didn't approve of sin,
but He didn't want people to know how vile and filthy they were,
because the knowledge of sin drives people away from Him.
God had shown great control dealing with sin
......from the days of Adam until the days of Noah.

...........He operated in mercy, love and forgiveness,
..................not holding the people's sins against them.
Even though the Flood was a judgment of God,
it was also a manifestation of His love and mercy.

..........Sin had become so bad on the earth.
Jesus had to be born of people who knew God
and allowed His Spirit to work through them.

If God hadn't destroyed the wicked with the Flood,
....and saved the only people who had obeyed Him,
........there wouldn't have been anyone to bring the
...........Lord Jesus to earth.
Jesus was God's agent for redemption
....and He had to be born of a human being
........who was not from a corrupted line of people.
If God hadn't done something,
nobody loyal to Him would have been left on the earth.

Because of His love,
God wanted a plan to save those who had already lived
and for those who will live on the earth in the future.
God sent the Flood as an expression of His wrath,
...........but even it was a manifestation of His love.

Sin had become so bad, God only had eight people
..........left on the earth who was responding to Him.
To preserve those who were righteous,
.......and prevent the total destruction of man,
God decided to wipe out the human race,
.......except for Noah and his family.
Man began to see God's lack of punishment
as approval, lowering their standard of holiness from God's

They began to go further and further into sin,
.......yielding themselves more and more to Satan,
..............letting Satan literally destroy the human race.
When Cain killed his brother Able,
God extended love and forgiveness to him instead of wrath.

But people began to misunderstand God's mercy,
and Cain's great-great-great grandson began to justify his
sin because God didn't punish Cain.
By showing Adam and Eve and their descendants
..................mercy, love and forgiveness,
....God was drawing them to Himself so that they
..................might accept His promise of redemption.
If Adam and Eve and their descendants had understood God's view of sin,
hopelessness would have taken over the human race so that they wouldn't
have been able to believe He could offered them mercy and forgiveness.
Adam and Eve's descendants
would have started avoiding God
if He had tried to make them understand how vile they were.
Instead of pouring out all of His wrath upon Adam and Eve,
............God operated in love and mercy
.......................toward them and their descendants.
God didn't give Adam and Eve the Law because
He didn't want them to know the depth of their sin.

If they had a glimpse of the billions of people who are
going to hell for all eternity because of what they did;
they would not have been able to handle the realization
or have been able to live with it.
It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.

God never wanted man to seek salvation out of fear of His wrath,
but because of His goodness and mercy.
But giving the Law wasn't God's desire.

If He had always wanted to limit sin through the Law,
................if that was His plan and nature,
why didn't he give it to Adam and Eve in the Garden
................right after they sinned?
..........He talked to them face to face.

Why did He wait 2,500 years before giving the Law to Moses?
By emphatically stating
.....what was right and what was wrong;
.............by giving man His perfect standard,
God was saying that what they were doing was sin
..................and it was unacceptable.
After the Flood,
God did something to limit the spreading of sin in the earth.

...........He gave Moses the Old Testament Law.
We are now beginning to see the manifestation of sin today
............................that was taking place in the days of Noah.
In Matthew 24:37,
....Jesus says that mankind will be sinning
........the same way they were sinning
............in the days of Noah
................when He returns.

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