"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

We have the Sword of the Spirit
......which is the Word of God.
and the Shield of Faith to deafeat the

................who is Satan!

The Word was the only weapon that Jesus used.
.................It was always victorious
...............Satan was always defeated!

We can use the same weapon and we can have
..............the same results.....Victory!
Jesus defeated Satan with the Word,
............"IT IS WRITTEN"
then quoted the scripture saying what God said.
God's Word is the greatest weapon on earth
.........to use against Satan!
When we announce that
............"By His stripes, we are healed",
our words which are God's Words binds Satan!

.............Satan is defeated, and he knows it!
Holding on to our confession of healing,
.....deliverance, protection and prosperity
..........when it looks the opposite,
................we prove that our faith is
.......................established in the Word!

..................God's Word is always victorious!
Confessing God's Word always wins
..........if we will persist until the devil leaves!

....................His Word heals today!
Always confess God's Word,
..........even if we don't feel like it,
...................our feelings will change to God's will.
When we confess God's Word,
..........our confession brings healing to us!

When we confess our sickness,
..........our confession keeps us sick!
What God will do for one who believes His Word,
..........He will do for everyone who believes His Word!
We must confess what God says!

..........Psalm 107:20
He sent his word, and healed them

The word will heal us if we confess the Word in a personal way and praise Him for it before we see it.
When Satan finds that we have discovered the secret of using, "IT IS WRITTEN", he knows he has to surrender.

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