"That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowedging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." PHILEMON 1:6

If we do not acknowledge by knowing and saying the good things that are ours or in us in Christ Jesus, then we can not communicate or tell others about our faith effectively!

We have the Sword of the Spirit
......which is the Word of God.
and the Shield of Faith to deafeat the

................who is Satan!

The Word was the only weapon that Jesus used.
.................It was always victorious
...............Satan was always defeated!

We can use the same weapon and we can have
..............the same results.....Victory!
Jesus defeated Satan with the Word,
............"IT IS WRITTEN"
then quoted the scripture saying what God said.
God's Word is the greatest weapon on earth
.........to use against Satan!
When we announce that
............"By His stripes, we are healed",
our words which are God's Words binds Satan!

.............Satan is defeated, and he knows it!
Holding on to our confession of healing,
.....deliverance, protection and prosperity
..........when it looks the opposite,
................we prove that our faith is
.......................established in the Word!

..................God's Word is always victorious!
Confessing God's Word always wins
..........if we will persist until the devil leaves!

....................His Word heals today!
Always confess God's Word,
..........even if we don't feel like it,
...................our feelings will change to God's will.
When we confess God's Word,
..........our confession brings healing to us!

When we confess our sickness,
..........our confession keeps us sick!
What God will do for one who believes His Word,
..........He will do for everyone who believes His Word!
We must confess what God says!

..........Psalm 107:20
He sent his word, and healed them

The word will heal us if we confess the Word in a personal way and praise Him for it before we see it.
When Satan finds that we have discovered the secret of using, "IT IS WRITTEN", he knows he has to surrender.
Say what God says. Satan cannot endure that!

.............He is a defeated foe, and he knows it.
He has known it ever since Jesus rose victorious
over death and hell.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,He has always tried to prevent the
church from discovering it.

But he has always obeyed the commands of believers
who use God's Word against him, and he still does.
The way we use and treat God's Word is everything.

........................When we meet Satan with the words
'IT IS WRITTEN by the stripes of Jesus I am healed'
all of his sicknesses, diseases, pains and symptoms
will have to leave.
........Faith in God's Word is faith in God!

If we want to build faith in God, read and confess
His Word.

........Unbelief in His Word is unbelief in God!

When we believe God's Word, then we will confess
His Word.
God's promises belong to us!

..........When in need, we can boldly confess:
"My God shall
supply all my need according to
His riches in glory
by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

When we are sick, we can boldly confess:

"by His stripes, I am healed"
1 Peter 2:24
Many promises are ours, as if we were the only person
in the world and He was writing then especially for us!

"Up to this time you have asked nothing in my name:
ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full."
John 16:24

..........John 15:7
"If you live in me [Jesus said], and my words live
in you, you shall ask what you desire, and it shall
be done to you."

Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to me, and I will answer you, and show
you great and mighty things which you know

..........Isaiah 41:10
"Fear not; for I am with you; be not dismayed;
for I am your
I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold
you with the right hand of my righteousness."

...............Isaiah 45:11
"Ask me of things to come concerning my children,
and concerning the work of my hands command
you me."
Because Christians don't keep their faith active,
there is a great amount of sickness, weakness, fear
and disease in the Church (the body of Christ).

That is why the average Christian has no boldness,
but fears every threat of Satan.

We must purpose to give the Word the same place
we would give Jesus were He to appear visibly in
our presence.

.....Christians continually confess sickness, want,
fear, weakness, and doubts.

....They read about redemption, even sing about it;
but then talk about it as though it were a fable.

One of the most dangerous habits that Christians
have is that they treat the Bible as though it were
an ordinary book.

In one breath they say they believe it to be a
revelation from God; but then treat it as though
it were a book of fiction.
The Word gives us quietness in the middle of confusion.

.......It gives us victory in defeat.

It gives us joy in desolation!
.............The Word is our confession.

...........It is our light and our salvation.

..............It is our rest and our pillow.
The Word is our healing and our strength.

....... It is our bread of life.

...............It is the very ability of God in us.

......................The Word is the life of Christ.

All He is.....His Word is.
Jesus is the Word and He lives in us!

We read the Word and the Word lives in us!

If we want to know more of Him,
..............we need to learn more of His Word.

We hold His Word in our hands.
.....We have it in our hearts.
..........We have it in our mouths.
...............We live it!
...............The Word is God speaking!

...................It is a part of God Himself!

...........................It abides forever!

..................God and His Word are one!
The Word of God is like its author
.............................................................- eternal
...................................... - unchanging
...................- and living.

The Word is the mind of God, the will of God!
The Word is for now!

It has been,
....................it is and
..................................it will be forever the voice of God!

It is always fresh and new!
We need to remember

...............that the Bible is the

.............................book with God and life in it.
........Many theologians haven't been our friends.

They turned the truth into a philosophy; they made a creed out of the word, instead of teaching it as though God is speaking to us.

The Word speaks to us as if Jesus were standing among us!
It takes His place!
It has the same authority as He would have if He were to appear before us!
Understanding our relationship to God and
our position as a believer re-created in Christ,
we are authorized to use His name.

...That name controls Satan and his works, and
...That name has been legally given to every believer!

"In my name they shall cast out devils" Mark 16:17.

If we can cast out demons, then we can cast out demon - brought diseases.

Satan is eternally defeated!
When we begin to see our place in Christ and
what God has made us to be in His Son, and
then we begin to speak that kind of talk instead of talking about weaknesses, lack, inabilities, and sicknesses;
...................then we become the irresistible body of Christ!

We take our place as New Testament believers and
march on in this glorious triumph of faith!
" Christ lives in me" Galatians 2:20.

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith" Ephesians 3:17.

"Christ in you, the hope of glory" Colossians 1:27.

"Christ, who is our life" Colossians 3:4.

"But of him are you in Christ Jesus" 1 Corinthians 1:30.

"Jesus Christ is in you" 2 Corinthians 13:5
We are re-created in Christ Jesus.
..........We are in Christ.
..........We are members of Him.

He had no fear.
He had no defeat.
He didn't shrink from pain or brutal treatment.
He was the master when they arrested Him.
He was the master at His trial.
He was almight, yet a man.......and
He is in us!
Jesus had no sense of sin or need of forgiveness.
........He never asked for or needed advice.
........He knew why He came.
........He knew from where He came.
........He knew who He was.
........He knew the Father.
........He knew about heaven.
........He knew where He was going.
........He knew mankind.
........He knew Satan.
........He knew no lack and
........He knew no limitations.
.....................Jesus was never in a hurry.
.....................He was never afraid.
.....................He never showed weakness.
.....................He never hesitated.
.....................He always was ready.
.....................He was sure.

He showed these traits in all He said and did.
Jesus wasnt a philosopher searching for truth;
..................................................He was the truth!

...............................................He wasn't a mystic,
......................................................He was reality!

...........................................He wasn't a reformer;
...............................................He was a recreator!

...........................................He wasn't a visionary;
...............................He was the light of the world!

...............................................He never reasoned;
...............................................................He knew!
The Man at the right hand of God, who loved us and died for us, now lives in us.

...........He is God's answer to the cry of humanity -
....................- God manifested in the flesh!
When Jesus said in Mark 9:23 "All things are possible to them that believe,"

..........He meant that all things are possible to the believer!
..........What masters He has made us to be!
To tell what Satan is doing in our lives, is to deny what we are in Christ.

............When we know that we are what Christ says we are, then we must act like it, confessing what He has made us.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,This glorifies God and His Word!
God has placed us in Christ, "In whom we have redemption" Ephesians 1:7

..............................God sees us in Christ!

"Of his fulness we have all received" John 1:16

These facts make up our confession. We are to think
..........................................................We are to speak
..........................................................We are to pray
..........................................................We are to act like it!
Based on the Word of God, we have become what Christ is.

........................We are what He is!
........................We are in Him!

He confirmed this when He said, "Those who believe on me, the works I do shall they do also." John 14:12

Now we have the authority to work the same works that Jesus worked, by doing them in His name. If this is true of our works, then it is true of our standing with God.
"We are his workmanship, [re]created in Christ Jesus."
Ephesians 2:10

"If anyone be in Christ, that one is a new creature."
2 Corinthians 5:17

...............We are positively "made new" in Christ.

"We become members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones."
Ephesians 5:30
When Jesus arose from the dead, He left an eternally defeated foe behind Him.

.................Always think of Satan as eternally defeated.

Think of Satan as one whom Jesus -
and ourselves in the Name of Jesus -
have entire dominion and authority over.
We can't subject ourselves to Satan's rule any more.

.....*Arise from his bondage!
.....*Confess being a conqueror!
.....*Confess God's Word over him!
.....*Hold fast to that confession, not wavering!
Satan, who has been defeated, holds the church, which is the body of Christ in bondage.

............The defeated one is binding his own master.

.......According to the new covenant, the church is given power and authority over an already defeated enemy, Satan.
Jesus' triumph was our triumph!

His victory was our victory!

..........*He did nothing for Himself, He did it all for us!
..........*He defeated Satan for us!
..........*He spoiled his power for us!
..........*He conquered him for us!
"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, That He might destroy the works of the devil." 1 John 3:8

...................."Having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it." Colossians 2:15

..........Jesus has destroyed the works of the devil, spoiled his power, and triumphed over him.

....................Since Satan's works have been destroyed, his power has been spoiled, and he has been triumphed over, he must be a defeated foe.
Seeking things which are above

"seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth
on the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

In Jesus Christ, we don't work for life, but from life.

We don't seek to shape our actual life in the flesh but
choose to conform our inner life to that of Him which
is above.
enduring as a good soldier

"Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of
Jesus Christ.
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs

of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to
be a soldier."
2 Timothy 2:3-4
Free from the Law of sin and death

"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me
free from the law of sin and death."
Romans 8:2

We are delivered from the LAW of sin and death, by the LAW
of the Spirit of Life!

"If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye
are yet in your sins" 1 Corinthians 15:17

We are dead in Christ, we in Him and He in
our sins that were upon Him; we were buried
with Christ, we in Him still, and He in our sins

If He still lays in that dark, unopened grave,
then we are there with Him, in our sins,
because we are in Him.

If one single sin is left uncancelled, then the
payment hasn't been made in full. But we
know that Jesus paid it all and all our sins have
been pardoned.

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